There are five versions of the Holmes rulebook.
- 1st printing, 1977
- 2nd printing, January 1978
- 3rd printing, May 1978
- 2nd edition, November 1978
- 3rd edition, December 1979
Identifying the Versions
All of the versions, except for the 1st printing, identify themselves on the title page below the copyright notice. The 1st printing has no printing or edition information on the title page.The 1st printing cover is the only one with a F116-R product code in the upper right.
Only the 1st and 2nd printing covers have a "*T.M. Reg. app. for" notice in the upper right.
The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd printing covers have the lizardman logo; the 2nd and 3rd edition covers have the wizard logo.
The 2nd and 3rd editions have identical front covers.
The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd printings have blank back covers. The 2nd and 3rd printings have TSR product lists. Only the 2nd edition back cover product list includes the AD&D manuals. Only the 3rd edition back cover product list includes B2: The Keep on the Borderlands.
Text and Art Changes
Preface (p. 2)
2nd edition: the page number is removed.
Table of Contents (p. 4)
2nd edition: the page number for the Languages is corrected from 8 to 9.2nd edition: entry for Encumbrance is added.
2nd edition: the page numbers for all sections after Monsters are increased by 1.
Introduction (p. 5)
2nd printing: a reference to "hobbits" is replaced with "halflings". References to "hobbit" or "hobbits" are replaced in this manner by my count at 21 places in the book; subsequent places will not be noted.
See First Level Clerical Spells p. 17 for a reference to "hobbits" that is never replaced in any version.
See First Level Clerical Spells p. 17 for a reference to "hobbits" that is never replaced in any version.
3rd edition: the text "by rolling special polyhedral 20-sided dice" is emended to "by rolling special polyhedral dice".
Adjusting Ability Scores (p. 6)
2nd edition: this text about dwarves is deleted: "They are the only ones who can wield the +3 Magic War Hammer (described later)".
The +3 Magic War Hammer is not, in fact, described later in any version of the Holmes rulebook. It is described on p. 31 of OD&D Vol. 2 Monsters & Treasure.
Additional Character Classes (p. 7)
2nd printing: a reference to "hobbitish" is replaced with "halflingish".
Non-Player Characters (p. 8)
2nd edition: the text "Only the lowest level of character types can be hired" is emended to "Generally, only the lowest level of character types can be hired".
Character Alignment (p. 8)
2nd edition: the alignment chart is updated from the old chart on the left to the new chart on the right:
The old chart refers to apes, beholders, blue dragons, demons, and lammasus which are not described in any version of the Holmes rulebook.
Languages (p. 9)
2nd edition: this text is added: "Any languages should be selected before the character begins play".
Encumbrance (p. 9)
2nd edition: this item is removed from Malchor's list of equipment: "1 10' pole (right hand)".
Wandering Monster Table (p. 10)
The wandering monster table from the 1st printing contains monsters not described in the Monsters section:
These monsters were not described in this 1st printing: Giant Rats, Centipedes, Large Spiders, Gnolls, Giant Toads, Huge Spiders, Leprechauns, Troglodytes, Piercers, Shriekers, Giant Snakes, Giant Spiders, Giant Weasels, and Giant Lizards.
The 2nd printing updates the wandering monster table. Monsters not described in the Monsters section are removed:
Experience Points for Monsters Overcome (p. 11)
2nd edition: the value and bonus for a 2 + 1 hit dice monster, previously blank, are added. They are 25 and 10 respectively.
2nd edition: the text "For example, if a third level fighting man killed the first level orc" is emended to "For example, if a third level fighting man killed a first level orc".
2nd edition: the text "For example, if a third level fighting man killed the first level orc" is emended to "For example, if a third level fighting man killed a first level orc".
Fighting Men, Elves, Halflings and Dwarves (p. 11)
2nd edition: formerly, the "spells" column for cleric had the values "0", "1", and "2". These are emended to "0", "1 first level spell", and "2 first level spells".
Explanation of Thief's Abilities (p. 12)
2nd edition: adds a column for "climb sheer surfaces".
2nd edition: this text is added: "(Note: When a thief of any level strikes a blow from behind, a bonus of +4 to hit is given, and double damage is done.)"
2nd edition: this text is added: "(Note: When a thief of any level strikes a blow from behind, a bonus of +4 to hit is given, and double damage is done.)"
Clerical Abilities (p. 12)
2nd edition: the text "When a cleric of the first three levels confronts one or more of the undead, consult the table below" is emended to "When a cleric confronts one or more of the undead, consult the table below" .Monster Saving Throws (p. 14)
2nd edition: this text is removed: "(except zombies who are poisoned by salt)"
Magic User Spells (p. 14)
2nd edition: in the description for Enlargement, this text is added: "(example: a 6' man would become 9' tall)".Magic User Spells (p. 16)
2nd edition: in the description for Levitate, the text "Range: 20 feet × level of spell caster in 10's of feet" is emended to "Range: 20 feet × level of spell caster".
Clerical Spells (p. 17)
2nd edition: this text is added: "Second level spells are not available to clerics of below fourth level, and are included for use with non-player characters and scrolls."
The spell Cure Light Wounds references "hobbits". This reference was not updated to "halflings" in the 2nd printing or any later version.
Combat Melee (p. 19)
3rd edition: this text is removed: "A 20-sided die must be marked or colored so that one set of sides 0-9 is different from the other set. Count 0 as a 10. The marked set is then read as if 10 had been added to the roll (11-20), treating 0 as 10 or 20. This die is used for all combat resolution."
The removed text was redundant; there is already a description of how to mark a 20-sided die on p. 14.
Monsters (p. 22)
The 2nd edition replaces this text:
If the monster's alignment is given here, then there follows a brief description which should include any special powers and attributes of the creatures.
with this text:
If the monster's alignment is not given, it may be assumed to be an unintelligent beast that will attack anyone who comes near. "Attacks" means the number of blows, bites, etc. the creature can deliver in a single melee round. "Damage" gives the effect of these attacks. Then there follows a brief description which includes any special powers and attributes of the creature.The 2nd edition replaces this text:
A good guide to the amount of treasure any given monster should be guarding is given in the MONSTER & TREASURE ASSORTMENTS which are included in the game.with this text:
A good guide to the amount of treasure any given monster should be guarding is given in the MONSTER & TREASURE ASSORTMENTS (available from TSR or your retailer).
Monster List (p. 22-33/34)
2nd edition: this text is added: "Monsters hit dice are 8-sided".2nd edition: entries for these monsters are added: Giant Ant, Giant Centipede, Giant Rats, Gnoll, Shrieker, Spider, Troglodyte.
Although early versions do not have the Gnoll entry, they mention that a kobold chieftain fights like a gnoll.
2nd edition: this text is removed from the Giant entry:
Giants in castles usually have other monsters there—a hydra, wolves, bears or referee's choice. Giants encountered outside their lair carry 1000 to 6000 gold pieces as well as rocks for throwing in their capacious shoulder sack.2nd edition: in the entry for Horse the lines "Attack: 2 hooves, 1 bite" and "Damage: 1–6/hoof, 1–4/bite" are inserted.
2nd edition: in the entry for Mummy the text "although it only does half-damage to them" is inserted in regards to damage from fire.
2nd edition: the entry for Nixie is removed.
2nd edition: this cross-reference is removed: "Werewolf, etc.—see Lycanthrope".
2nd edition: adds art for Harpy, Hydra, Manticore, and Skeleton.
2nd edition: removes art for Gray Ooze and Purple Worm.
Base Treasure Values (p. 33/34)
2nd edition: this text is added: "50 CP = 10 SP = 2 EP = 1 GP = 1/5 PP".
2nd edition: this text is added: "All coins are roughly equal in size and weight, being approximately the circumference and thickness of a quarter and weighing about twice as much as a quarter."
A quarter weighs an eighth of an ounce, so the added text is inconsistent with the Encumbrance section on p. 9, where a gold piece weighs a tenth of a pound.
2nd edition: the list giving the value of each type of coin in gold pieces is removed.
2nd edition: in the random magical item generation chart, the potion "Speed" is renamed "Haste" so that it now matches its name in the description on the following page.
Explanation of Magical Items (p. 37/38)
The 2nd edition changes the Ring of Protection +1 entry from:
serves as plate armor +1, and adds +1 to all saving this:
adds +1 to armor class; i.e., a magic-user with no armor (armor class 9) would be treated as if he had armor class 8. Also, +1 is added to all saving throws."
Dungeon Mastering as a Fine Art (p. 38/39)
The 2nd edition replaces this text:
The geomorphic dungeon levels provided with this game
with this text:
The geomorphic dungeon levels (available from TSR or your retailer)
2nd edition: this text is added:
The Basic Set of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS includes the introductory module "In Search of the Unknown", which will be usable for initial adventuring as well as provide ideas for dungeon construction.
Illustration of Sample Floor Plan (p. 41/42)
The 2nd printing adds the text "START" under the stairs.
The 2nd edition adds add an arrow pointing north.
The 2nd edition adds add an arrow pointing north.
Sample Dungeon (p. 43/44)
The 2nd edition replaces the this text in room J:
An enormous spider lurks in the darkness of the roof, thirty-five feet above. He will drop on unwary adventurers. He is armor class 3 (plate mail), has 6 hit dice (31 hit points), and his bite causes 1-8 points of damage and is poisonous (-1 on saving throw dice because it is so strong).to read as follows:
A giant spider lurks in the darkness of the roof, thirty-five feet above. He will drop on unwary adventurers. He is armor class 3 (plate mail), has 4 + 4 hit dice (21 hit points), and his bite causes 2-8 points of damage and is poisonous.
The 2nd edition replaces the this text in room L describing a giant crab:
It strikes with its giant claws one at a time as fast as a man.
to read as follows:
It strikes with its giant claws one at a time as fast as a man, doing 2-12 points of damage per hit.
Using the Dice (p. 45/46)
The 2nd edition adds this text:
In some places the reader will note an abbreviated notation for the type of die has been used. The first number is the number of dice used, the letter "d" appears, and the last number is the type dice used. Thus, "2d4" would mean that two 4-sided dice would be thrown (or one 4-sided dice would be thrown twice); "3d12" would indicate that three 12-sided dice are used, and so on.
The 3rd edition replaces the text "By using the assortment of 4-, 6-, 8-, 12-, and 20-sided dice" with "By using the assortment of 4-, 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, and 20-sided dice".
The 3rd edition replaces this text:
For example: to generate 1-20, roll the 20-sided die and 6-sided die, and if the 6-sided die comes up 1-3, the number shown on the 20-sider is 1-10 (1-0), and if the 6-sider comes up 4-6, add 10 to the 20-sided die and its numbers become 11-20 (1-0). This application is used with the 12-sided die to get 1-24.with this:
For example: to generate 1-24, roll the 12-sided die and 6-sided die, and if the 6-sided die comes up 1-3, the number shown on the 12-sider is 1-12, and if the 6-sider comes up 4-6, added 12 to the 12-sided die and its numbers become 13-24.
About the Editor (p. 45/46)
This section is added in the 3rd printing.
Other Swords & Sorcery, Fantasy, and Science Fiction Titles from TSR (p. 45–46)
The entire section, a product list, is replaced by a Gen Con advertisement in the 2nd edition.